Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program


The Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program was brought forward by Ed Weichsler, Program Advisor and U.S. Air Force Veteran and an elite student leadership class project from Croswell – Lexington High School as a way to honor our community’s military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to their country and promote civic pride in our community.

  • St. Clair County has over 580 service members who died in service to their country from World War I to the current gulf war conflict.
  • The community banners will feature the fallen heroes’ photograph, rank, name, branch of service, war conflict, age, and city in which they resided.
  • These beautiful, patriotic banners will be displayed one week prior to and one week after Memorial Day each year.
  • The concept for the Banner Program initially came from Waynesboro, Pennsylvania; small farming community has banners honoring the memory of fallen or missing-in-action service members which are mounted on light poles in downtown Waynesboro during the weeks surrounding Memorial Day.

Banner Program Focus

  • To obtain photographs for of over 580 fallen heroes.
  • If you are a family member or know of a friend or a neighbor who died in service to their country, please call the Banner Message Line at (810) 985-2007 or (810) 434-6407 E-mail:[email protected] to schedule an appointment to have a photograph scanned.

Banner Program Guidelines & Advisors


  • Banners must be dedicated to service members from a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces who died in service to their country from World War I to the current gulf war conflict who resided in cities/townships across St. Clair County.
  • Service members must have been graduates or former students of a school district within St. Clair County, or a prior resident or property owner, or a native of cities/townships in St. Clair County.
  • Family members or relatives must provide original or good condition photographs of service members in their military uniform or their senior high school picture. If no photograph can be provided, the Department of Defense Military Service Seal will be used.

Note: Banner Program Guidelines are subject to change based on development of the program.


Ed Weichsler, Program Advisor and U.S. Air Force Veteran
“Charles A. Hammond” American Legion Post 8, Port Huron, Michigan


The Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program is a fund held at the Community Foundation of St. Clair County and is supported principally by community members.

Donate online to the Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program below or send a check to the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, 500 Water Street, Port Huron, MI 48060 with Banner Program Fund noted on the memo line.


Local Agencies

Disability Network Eastern Michigan

This Center for Independent Living. Independent Living changes attitudes, expands community options, removes barriers, and increases choice.

Are you an at-risk veteran trying to find or maintain housing? Please contact:

Terry Nichols, SSVF Case Manager 
[email protected]
Fort Gratiot Office
8am – 4pm M-F
4351 24th Ave., Suite 1
Fort Gratiot, MI 48059
(810) 987-9337

Find a Veteran Service Officer

Council on Aging - Port Huron Senior Center

Veteran’s Club Meeting  - Call for Date and time - 810-987-8811

Council on Aging - Washington Life Center

E. Jack Morris Veterans Museum - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the second Thursday of each month

Veterans Club Meeting - Call for date and time - 810-765-3523

Local Veterans Discounts

Please provide ID to receive benefits - alphabetically listed

Port Huron - DDA

The mission of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is to promote the economic growth


A Little Something

10% off 1 general item


All Rise Tattooing

15% off your order


Chef Shell's

10% Discount


District 43

10% off your order


elite feet

10% off your order


Everything Classic

10% off your order


Knowlton Museum

Free admission


Maria's Cafe

One free drink


MI Passion Boutique LLC

10% off your order


Moe's Deli

10% Discount off your order


Patrick & James

10% off your order



10% Discount off your order


PH Country Style Market

10% off your order


Port Huron Museum

Free admission - 4 museums


Raven Cafe

10% off your order or $1 off Detroit City


Red Kettle

10% Discount off your order


Wing's Etc

15% OFF food and non-alchololic drink


Local Veterans Organizations/Posts

Charles A. Hammond" American Legion Post 8
1026 6th Street, Port Huron, MI 48060

Phone: 810-982-9553


American Legion Capac, MI Post 0142

115 N Main St Capac, MI 48014-3178

Phone: 810-395-2588


American Legion Yale, MI Post 0320

112 E Mechanic St Yale, MI 48097-3431
Phone: 810-387-2359


American Legion Post 382 St. Clair
1322 Clinton Avenue, St. Clair, MI 48079

Phone: 810-329-2871


American Legion Fort Gratiot, MI Post 408

4170 24th Avenue, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 810-982-0572


J. Edward Mallorey, American Legion Post 449
299 Huron Blvd., Marysville, MI 48040

Phone: 810-364-9366


American Legion Post 525, Smiths Creek, Inc.

7150 Smiths Creek Road, P.O. Box 86, Smiths Creek, MI 48074

Phone: 810-367-6351


American Legion Memphis, MI Post 0566

PO Box 502 Memphis, MI 48041-0502

Phone: 810-392-3237
Email: [email protected]


DAV Chapter #12
2115 Military Street, Port Huron, MI 48060

Phone: 810-984-1684

Meetings Are Held on the 2nd Monday of each month Time: 19:00:00

Marine Corps League 146 Belcher-Lane-Williams Detachment

VFW May-O’Brien Post #8465 3815 Knapp Ave. Port Huron MI 48060

3rd Wednesday of the month 1900

VFW Post 796 Chas. Schoor Post

1711 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron, MI 48060-3119

Phone: 810-982 0572

Meeting: 7:00 pm 2nd Wednesday

VFW Post 3901 Fred Quandt Post

1005 Pt. Tremble Rd
P O Box 294
Algonac, MI 48001-0294

Phone: 810-794-3033

Meeting: 7:00 PM 2nd Wednesday

VFW Post 5585 Gleason-Butler-Sharpe Post

PO Box 126
3128 Main St
Emmett, MI 48022-0126

Phone: 810-304-5012

Meeting: 2:00 pm Last Sunday

VFW Post 8465 May-O Brien Post

3815 Knapp Rd
Port Huron, MI 48060

Phone: 810-982-6323

Meeting: 7:00 pm 1st Wednesday

VFW Post 8594 Yale Post

4 West Machanic St.
Yale, MI 48097
United States

Phone: 810-387-9923

Meeting: 7:00 pm 2nd Wednesday

Vietnam Veterans of America Blue Water Chapter 284
Location: American Legion Post 382, 1300 Clinton Avenue, St. Clair MI 48079
Mailing Address: VVA Chapter 284, P.O. Box 536, Marine City, MI 48039

Voiture Nationale La Societe Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Chevaux, 120 Voiture Locale

1026 6th St, Port Huron, MI 48060-5345

Mental Health

Veterans Crisis Line

Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?

  • You're not alone—the Veterans Crisis Line is here for you.
  • You don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to call.
  • 24/7, confidential crisis support for Veterans and their loved ones

Call: Dial 988 then Press 1

Chat: Now

Text: Now

St. Clair County Veteran Navigator

St. Clair County Community Mental Health (SCCCMH) has a service specifically designed to assist veterans and or veteran/military family members with accessing treatment, navigating the VA system and linking up with other community resources.

The veteran services at SCCCMH are peer-led, by a Navigator who is also a veteran. The Veteran Navigator can assist you with:

  • The VA benefit enrollment process
  • Accessing other community resources such as housing, employment or health care •
  • Enrolling in mental health services or substance use disorder treatment services at SCCCMH or other provider

Wendy Martindale, Veteran Navigator
Phone: (810) 966-3755
[email protected]

VA Mental Health Resources

Other resources:

Michigan Veteran Designation for Licenses and ID cards

The veteran designation gives veterans an easy and optional way to prove their veteran status to receive discounts from businesses.


Military veterans who served in any branch of the U.S. armed forces and have an honorable or under honorable conditions (general) discharge may have a veteran designation printed on their Michigan driver's license or state identification card.

Qualifying services include the U.S. Air Force, Air Force National Guard, Army, Army National Guard, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and Space Force, as well as their Reserve components.

Individuals who actively serve in the National Guard or Reserves at the time of application may qualify for the designation if they have a DD214 with an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge.

How to add to your license or ID?

The designation may be added by visiting any Secretary of State office and providing the required documentation.

If the designation is added when you apply for your first Michigan driver's license or ID card, or at the time you're renewing, you will only pay the normal renewal fee. Otherwise, the standard fee for a corrected license or ID card will apply.

If you are renewing your license or ID card by mail, you must include the required documentation and the completed Veteran Designation Application form along with your renewal form so the designation is included on your new card. Please note the documentation submitted will not be returned to you. Copies are accepted.

If you want to add the veteran designation outside of your renewal period and do not want to visit a Secretary of State office, send in the completed Veteran Designation Application form, the required documentation and the applicable fee.

Mail your completed application, veteran documentation and applicable fee to:

Michigan Department of State
Renewal By Mail Unit
Lansing, MI 48918

Note: The veteran designation cannot be requested when a driver's license or ID card is renewed online.

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Welcome to Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)

  • We are a statewide network of vocational rehabilitation (VR) professionals developing creative, customized solutions that meet the needs of individuals and business.
  • We deliver individualized services that assist potential employees with differing abilities to prepare for, pursue and retain careers.
  • We partner with business in employee development, business consulting and corporate relations.
  • We are committed to building the workforce of tomorrow... today.

Mission: Develop customized workforce solutions for businesses and individuals with disabilities.

Vision: A diverse and inclusive workforce that unites businesses and individuals with disabilities toward a common good.

Port Huron Office
100 McCorran Boulevard, 5th Floor, Port Huron, MI, 48060
Toll Free: 877-620-7929
Eastern Michigan

District Manager
Tracie Lewis-Jennings
[email protected]

Military Discounts

Millage: SCCVA 2017-2022

2017- 2022 St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs Millage

What Does the Department of Veterans Affairs Provide?

  • WE help veterans with physical and/or mental disabilities from their exposure to combat and noncombat related trauma and their families obtain and maintain all veterans’ related benefits from federal, state, and local government agencies.
  • WE provide services yearly to over 13,000 St. Clair County veterans and their families.
  • WE have been providing professional support and assistance for over 75 years.
  • WE are a trusted and accredited resource for finding, applying for, receiving and maintaining veterans’ benefits.
  • OUR accredited counselors and professional staff eliminate or reduce the frustration and confusion of navigating the VA process.
  • OUR goal is to obtain the maximum veterans' benefits available for our veterans’ while making the process understandable for the veterans and their families.

How Much is the Millage?

  • MILLAGE is 0.10 mills for six years (2017 through 2022). $5 a year for homeowner.
  • MILLAGE generates $562,824 yearly starting in 2017.

What Does the Millage Funding Provide?

  • Office Staff: Full-time Director, 3-Full-time Benefits Counselors, 1- Full-time Claims Analyst , 1-Part-time Secretary, 1-Part-time Clerk Typist, and 1-Outreach Coordinator to provide:
    • Case management and continuing support for veterans who receive VA benefits.
    • Assistance in the claims filing process with the Federal Government for injuries or illness, federal death benefits, and survivor benefits.
    • Assisting of St. Clair County burial allowance claims.
  • Community Outreach: Support and partner with the community at-large by providing education and dissemination of information about veteran benefits and myriad resources.
  • Annual Events: Veteran Career Fair and employment readiness programs.
  • Emergency Financial Assistance: For indigent veteran and their dependents for rent, prescription costs, medical bills, food vouchers, heating bills, gas cards, and much more.
  • Staff Training: Maintain accreditation and certification for Director and Full-Time Benefits Counselors and Outreach Coordinator.

What Is the Actual Millage Language?


Shall the St. Clair County levy a Veterans Affairs Millage of .10 mills per year ($.10 per thousand dollars of taxable value of taxable real and personal property) constituting a renewal of a previously authorized voter approved millage, for a period of six (6) years, 2017 through 2022 inclusive, generating estimated revenues the first year the renewed millage is authorized and levied of approximately $562,824. If approved, funds from this millage will be used to provide financial aid to veterans and their families and to provide financial support for the administration of the St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs.


For veterans that need transportation to VA Medical Centers.

Transportation is provided by volunteers and their availability.

John D. Dingell VA Medical Center

4646 John R Street
Detroit, MI 48201

800-511-8056 (Toll-free)
313-576-1000 (Direct)

Please call our office at 810-989-6945 to schedule a ride to Detroit .

VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

2215 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

800-361-8387 (Toll-free)

Please call our office at 810-989-6945 to schedule a ride to Ann Arbor .

United States of American Vietnam War Commemoration

Commemorative Partner Program

United States of American Vietnam War Commemoration

The St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs (SCCVA) is an official registered Commemorative Partner of the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration and will be hosting events for Vietnam veterans and their families from this day forward.

  • The Vietnam 50th Anniversary program is organized locally to thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam War living in St. Clair County, including personnel who were held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action, for their service and sacrifice on behalf of the United States.
  • The Commemoration honors all United States veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time between November 1, 1955 to and May 15, 1975, regardless of location.
  • The Commemoration makes no distinction between veterans who served in-country, in-theater, or who were stationed elsewhere during the Vietnam War period.
  • All were called to serve and the overwhelming majority of these veterans served honorably and admirably.

We are reaching out to each and every Vietnam veterans in St. Clair County to ensure they receive long lasting mementoes of the nation's thanks.

For more information about the national program.

To receive recognition, contact SCCVA Outreach Coordinator at (810) 989-6945 or by email at [email protected].

Commemorative Coin

Our office is giving away Vietnam War Commemoration Coins to Vietnam Veterams. Please get your coin today while supplies last!

VA Home Loan Guaranty Buyer’s Guide


Created by the original G.I. Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944), the VA-Guaranteed Home Loan program has helped generations of Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families enjoy the dream of homeownership and the opportunity to retain their homes in times of temporary financial hardship. Should you have any questions about the VA Home Loan benefit or issues with your current home loan, feel free to contact us at: 1-877-827-3702.

What is the VA Home Loan ‘Guaranty’?

The VA home loan guaranty is an agreement that VA will reimburse a lender (such as banks, credit unions, mortgage companies, etc.) in the event of loss due to foreclosure. This guaranty takes the place of your down payment.

Who is eligible for a VA Home Loan?

Active-duty servicemembers and Veterans with discharges other than dishonorable, National Guard and Reserve service members and Veterans with an honorable discharge, certain eligible spouses, and other uniformed service personnel may be eligible for VA home loan guaranty benefits. The full listing is available online at:

Download the guide here. -> VA Home Loan Guaranty Buyer’s Guide