National Wreaths Across America Day 2022 - St. Clair County, MI
Federal Burial Allowance
What are VA Burial Allowances?
VA burial allowances are flat-rate monetary benefits that are generally paid at the maximum amount authorized by law for an eligible Veteran’s burial and funeral costs.
A VA regulation change in 2014 simplified the program to pay eligible survivors quickly and efficiently.
Eligible surviving spouses of record are paid automatically upon notification of a Veteran’s death, without the need to submit a claim.
VA may grant additional benefits, including the plot or interment allowance and transportation allowance, if it receives a claim for these benefits.
For more information on Burial and Plot Interment Allows for Dependents and Survivors
After the passing of a loved one who has served this country, many survivors do not know what to do or where to begin to obtain VA assistance.
VA has prepared a Survivors and Burial Benefits kit to help guide Veterans, service members and their families after the loss of a loved one.
For more information on Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivors and Burial Benefits Kit
How Much Does VA Pay?
Service-Connected Death
- If the Veteran died on or after September 11, 2001, the maximum service-connected burial allowance is $2,000.
- If the Veteran died before September 11, 2001, the maximum service-connected burial allowance is $1,500.
- If the Veteran is buried in a VA national cemetery, VA may reimburse some or all of the costs of transporting the deceased Veteran’s remains.
Non Service-Connected Death
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2016, VA will pay a $300 burial allowance and $749 for a plot.
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2015, but before October 1, 2016, VA will pay $300 for burial allowance and $747 for a plot.
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2014, but before October 1, 2015, VA will pay $300 burial allowance and $745 for a plot.
Effective October 1, 2011, there are higher non-service-connected death rates payable if the Veteran was hospitalized by VA at the time of his or her death.
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2016, VA will pay a $749 burial allowance and $749 for a plot.
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2015, but before October 1, 2016, VA will pay a $747 burial allowance and $747 for a plot.
- If the Veteran died on or after October 1, 2014, but Before October 1, 2015, VA will pay a $745 burial allowance and $745 for a plot.
If the death occurred while the Veteran was properly hospitalized by VA, or under VA contracted nursing home care, some or all of the costs for transporting the Veteran’s remains may be reimbursed.
Note: If the Veteran dies while traveling at VA expense for the purpose of examination, treatment, or care, VA will pay burial and plot allowances and transportation expenses.
Unclaimed Remains
If a Veteran dies and their remains are unclaimed, the entity responsible for the burial of the Veteran would be entitled to a $300 burial allowance.
If the Veteran is buried in a VA national cemetery, VA may reimburse the cost of transporting the deceased Veterans remains.
VA may also reimburse for the cost of a plot.
St. Clair County Burial Benefit
At the time of application, $600.00 may be payable to the funeral home if the bill is unpaid.
If the funeral expenses are paid-in-full, then the payee, $600.00 may be reimbursed.
Application may be completed at the Department of Veterans Affairs office (or local county veterans’ office of county in which the deceased veteran resided).
Please, provide a copy of the funeral bill (indicating paid or unpaid), a copy of DD214, and a copy of the death certificate.
- Criteria:
90 days of active service during war time era. - The deceased does not possess at the time of death, exceeding the sum of $40,000.00.
- Was a resident of St. Clair County at the time of death.
- Applications must be received within 2 years from date of death.
Note: If the deceased did not leave a dependent surviving, but did leave an estate sufficient to meet lawful claims, including burial expenses, then the $300.00 will not be paid.
Veterans Memorial Service
St. Clair County Allied Veterans Council and Honor Guard
Volunteers in the Honor Guard provide military funeral honors, upon request.
St. Clair County Allied Veterans Council Memorial Services Detail
Military Funder Honors:
To arrange military funeral honors, contact your local funeral home.
Other Burial Benefits
Presidential Memorial Certificates:
A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current President, to honor the memory of honorably discharged deceased Veterans.
Eligible recipients, or someone acting on their behalf, may apply for a PMC in person at any VA regional office or by U.S. mail or toll-free fax. Requests cannot be sent via email.
Please be sure to enclose a copy of the Veteran's discharge and death certificate to verify eligibility, as we cannot process any request without proof of honorable military service.
Please submit copies only, as we will not return original documents.
VA Form 40-0247 Application for Presidential Memorial Certificate
VA Headstones, Markers and Medallions:
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant, a Government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death.
A Government-furnished headstone or marker may be provided for eligible Veterans who died on or after Nov. 1, 1990 and whose grave is marked with a privately purchased headstone.
A Government-furnished medallion may be provided for eligible Veterans who served on or after Apr. 6, 1917 and whose grave is marked with a privately purchased headstone or marker.
- Eligibility for a Headstone, Marker or Medallion
- Order a Headstone, Marker or Medallion
- Types of Headstones, Markers and Medallions Available
- Replacement Headstones and Markers
- Pre-World War I Era Headstones and Markers
- Headstone and Marker Inscription Abbreviations
- Emblems of Belief
A VA Form 40-1330, Claim for Standard Government Headstone or Marker must be submitted to request a burial or memorial headstone or marker.
Burial Flags:
A United States flag is provided, at no cost, to drape the casket or accompany the urn of a deceased Veteran who served honorably in the U. S. Armed Forces.
It is furnished to honor the memory of a Veteran’s military service to his or her country.
VA will furnish a burial flag for memorialization for an other than dishonorably discharged:
- Veteran who served during wartime
- Veteran who died on active duty after May 27, 1941
- Veteran who served after January 31, 1955
- Peacetime Veteran who was discharged or released before June 27, 1950 after serving at least one enlistment, or for a disability incurred or aggravated in line of duty
- Certain persons who served in the organized military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while in service of the U.S. Armed Forces and who died on or after April 25, 1951
- Certain former members of the Selected Reserves
Link to www.cem.va.gov VA Burial Flags
Helpful Links:
St. Clair County Genealogy & History Society
Great Lakes National Cemetery - Holly, MI
How to Apply:
Contact our office at (810) 989-6945 for assistance in determining eligibility and completing the necessary forms.
St. Clair County Allied Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Contact: City of Port Huron Clerks Office (810) 984-9725
Supervisor of Lakeside & Allied Veterans Memorial Cemetery (810) 987-6000
Veterans' Memorial Section of the City's cemeteries have been set aside to honor those Port Huron residents who have honorably served in the armed forces of the United States in time of war.
Interments in these sections will be restricted to veterans, as they have been defined in this section.
St. Clair County Veterans' Memorial Section Graves:
- For honorably discharged St. Clair County veterans ; one (1) veteran per grave.
- City of Port Huron Resident: FREE and Non-Resident: $700
- Graves are for remains or cremated remains (ashes).
St. Clair County Veterans' Memorial Section Niche:
- For honorably discharged St. Clair County veterans and their spouse (same niche).
- Niches are for inurnment of cremated remains (ashes) only. Containers of the cremated remains must be a size to fit two (2) of them in a niche approximately 12" x 12" x 12". City of Port Huron Resident: $500 and Non-Resident: $700
- Opening and Closing Niche City of Port Huron Resident : $70 and Non-Resident: $120
- Up to two (2) plaques per niche.
- U.S. Government Issued: Plaque ordered from St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs, installed by City of Port Huron Cost: FREE
- Non-Government Issues: Per veteran and/or spouse, plaque must be purchased from and installed by the City of Port Huron*. Cost: $325 *Additional charge for extra lettering.
NOTE: Rates are subject to change. City of Port Huron, Michigan Lakeside Cemetery and Veterans' Memorial Section Rates
How to Apply:
Contact our office at (810) 989-6945 for assistance in determining eligibility and completing the necessary forms.